Saturday, December 19, 2009

First post

So, I've opened my own blog. Well, I really don't know what to say. I just feel that I have to say something - it's a blog, no?
So, I will tell you why Shoosha. Shoosha was the name we used to call our little daughter when she was inside me. I don't remember how it came... I think it probably came from Izaac Zinger's eponymous novel. When she was born we gave her real name - Maya, but Shoosha still means a lot for me. It reminds me my first emotions, when I knew that I'm pregnant. My first thoughts about my baby, how she will look like, what she will love ...
I always had passion for crafting. Sinse I've been 6 or 7 years old I sewed little dresses for my dolls and took every craft class that I could find. But it's never been serious. When Maya came to the world, I wanted to give her the best I could (how expected!). So, I started to think about toys and dolls and everything surrounding her. Sadly, what I've found in stores was pretty awful. A lot of plastic, unnatural colors and forms. I desided to create few things for her by myself. And from here it was like a snowball - I created more, people loved my crafts, they ordered things, and I've been making more and more. It's strange, but as I have more orders and I have to work harder, I love it even more.

Here is my world. World that I've started to create for my baby, my Shoosha. Here I will share with you my new works and ideas.

So, have some fun.

1 comment:

  1. WOW
    it's amazing. i always new you have talent but this is much more then i imagine.
    and i like the name - Shoosha
    reminds me good old days :-)

    keep with this amazing work and please - share as much people as you can.
    this blog is deserve to be noticed.
    please keep updating me.

    miss you
    and kisses to Shoosha
